Keyword: Sourcing (8)

Environmental and social standard requirements on Suppliers

By Suppliers of AkzoNobel need to endorse the same environmental and social standards that all employees of AkzoNobel endorse. These standards are formulated in the Code of Conduct. Every supplier is asked to sign a Vendor Policy Declaration, in which they confirm that in doing busines with AkzoNobel they comply with these conditions: Your products and services […]

Defining sustainability expectations and requirements on suppliers and supply chain

By In the work with suppliers and the upstream supply chain actors, the organisation need to define and communicate expectations and requirements that the suppliers should fulfil, as well as how requirements should be cascaded further up in the supply chain. This is used as basis in the selection of suppliers. Requirements may be based […]

Identify and map your product value chain

By The first step of working with sustainability in your value chain is to identify and map your chain: What  Who are your suppliers and what does their upstream chain look like? Who are your customers and customers’ customers and /or consumers? How are your products handled at the end of life and by whom? In practice, […]

Implement the sustainability strategy

By Once the sustainability strategy has been defined and decided, it needs to be communicated and implemented across the organisation; into the departments where it can be broken down into departmental strategies and goals. If the strategy have been developed in a cross-functional team, the implementation can be facilitated as the different parts of the […]

Supplier audits for follow-up of supplier performance

By Audits are performed to evaluate suppliers’ ability to meet the requirements of the SCA Supplier standard. Both the supplied material and the supplier must be approved before supply to SCA Personal Care can be authorized. The result is used to secure that suppliers fulfil SCA’s standards regarding quality, product safety and sustainability. Regular audits […]

Supplier standard for quality and sustainable development

By The SCA global supplier standard describes the expectations on suppliers to SCA for the hygiene business. The standard includes specific requirements on quality, product safety, environment and code of conduct, and is distributed to all potential and existing suppliers as part of the supplier selection and procurement phase. It has been in operation since 1997. […]

Working with your upstream supply chain

By The sustainability performance of your suppliers and upstream supply chain actors has an impact on the performance of the products, through the production of materials and energy that are used in the product. Consequently an organisation has indirect control of the performance of the product through the selection of which suppliers and materials to […]

Activities in the work towards sustainability in value chains

How businesses work with sustainable development