About the project
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The TOSCA project will show how companies can work towards sustainable development, within the company and in its supply chains. A framework of examples, working procedures, guidelines, strategies and tools will be compiled and presented on this website.
Project objectives are to:
- Reduce the environmental load of companies using the framework, with a special focus on decreasing the use of resources (energy and material) as well as the carbon intensity along the supply chains of the participating companies.
- Introduce the framework within the participating companies, and to a selection of suppliers, customers and carriers within the supply chains of the respective companies.
- Present examples of successful sustainability work.
- Provide guidance for facilitating the work with sustainability in a business environment.
- Present the project, the framework and experiences at this website.
The project includes the following main activities:
- Within the companies and their supply chains, an inventory and assessment will be made of:
- Strategies in implementing work with sustainable development,
- tools and data used to assess and track sustainability aspects, and
- communication practices concerning sustainability information.
This work was performed during 2009.
- Based on the inventory and assessment, a framework will be formulated to describe how a company can work towards sustainable development, within the company and in its supply chains. This framework was presented on this website during in 2010.
- The framework will be introduced within Akzo Nobel and SCA Hygiene Products and in their respective supply chains during 2010 and 2011. Experiences from this work will be presented at the end of 2011.