
Supplier standard for quality and sustainable development

By Ann-Christin Pålsson & Ellen Riise

The SCA global supplier standard describes the expectations on suppliers to SCA for the hygiene business. The standard includes specific requirements on quality, product safety, environment and code of conduct, and is distributed to all potential and existing suppliers as part of the supplier selection and procurement phase. It has been in operation since 1997.

The requirements are based on internationally recognized standards and management systems, but it also includes specific requirements based on business needs and strategies.

Development of the standard

The requirements in the standard are developed in a cross functional setting, where business needs are defined and expressed. Different parts of the organisation participate in the development and revision of the standard and have a role in reviewing the standard.

The standard states minimum requirements for suppliers to fulfill, and also indicates the preferred level for business opportunities with SCA.

Usage and distribution

The primary use of the standard is to express and communicate expectations to both current and potential suppliers. It is part of the contract with the supplier, and suppliers are expected to meet the requirements.

The standard is furthermore used in communication with customers, to describe SCA values and supply chain assurance.

It is also used internally within SCA to communicate business demands.

Further information

The SCA global supplier standard is available in different language versions at the SCA corporate website.

For information about the work with follow-up, to ensure that the suppliers meets the expectations, see Measurement & Follow-up.