Supplier audits for follow-up of supplier performance
By Ann-Christin Pålsson & Ellen Riise
Audits are performed to evaluate suppliers’ ability to meet the requirements of the SCA Supplier standard. Both the supplied material and the supplier must be approved before supply to SCA Personal Care can be authorized.
The result is used to secure that suppliers fulfil SCA’s standards regarding quality, product safety and sustainability. Regular audits are also used for continuous supplier improvement since the they provide input to the supplier for improvement areas.
Content and procedure
Audits are performed based on the expectations and requirements in the SCA supplier standard, by a special function within the sourcing department. Thus they include evaluation of the supplier’s performance regarding quality management, product safety, environment and code of conduct, and how well the SCA requirements are met.
An audit is performed for all potential and new suppliers. For existing suppliers, follow-up audits are carried out on a regular basis.
The audit comprises a review of management systems and status regarding specific requirements. A set of standard questions are used as a basis to ensure that all areas are covered.
The result from the audit or assessment is reported to the supplier in terms of strengths and weaknesses for the different areas that are covered. When needed, the supplier is expected to submit a corrective action plan describing how and when this will be corrected.